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The Legend Of The Dead Woman


There are many folktales about the origins of the silhouette of a woman who appears to be sleeping, lying on her back with her hands resting on her chest.
You can see her resting on the Segovian side of the Sierra de Guadarrama with the three peaks known as the Pinareja, Peña del Oso and the Pasapán Peak.
During the spring time her imposing figure is dressed in green. And during the winter, you will see her keeping warm under a white blanket the clouds extend as they pass by.
Among the many stories that tell us about her, this is my favorite.


The story goes that a long, long time ago there was a beautiful, strong and courageous woman, with a humble heart.

She was courted by a handsome knight, a true gentleman and a professional soldier, with an impeccable reputation.

One day, a young, happy and jovial man arrived in the town. He seduced the beautiful woman with actions, rather than words, demonstrating his determination to love her for ever.

Panko prawn salad, cherry tomatoes and walnuts with beetroot vinaigrette


Ensalada de langostinos panko, nueces y vinagreta de remolacha
(Gluten free option available)

Italian burrata with mushroom jam and cherry tomado confit


Burrata italiana con confitura de setas y tomate cherry confitado

Valseca chickpea hummus, cilantro, black sesame and pita bread


(Gluten free option available)

Wrinnkled potatoes dressed with three sauces


Papas arrugas con tres salsas
(Gluten free option available)

Creamy beef jerky croquettes


Croquetas restaurante pasapan

Tacos of cochinita pibil with sriracha sauce and guacamole (2 pieces)


Tacos de cochinita pibil

Free range chicken quesadillas


quesadilla de pollo corral restaurante pasapan

Ravioli with ricota, pear and spinach with tartufata sauce


Raviolis de ricota, pera y espinacas


The knight, full of rage and jealousy, challenged the young man because he felt dishonored.  They agreed to meet at dusk at the foot of the mountains in order to resolve their dispute with steel.

The young woman found out and went looking for the soldiers. Upon finding them, a heartrending scream pierced the heavens.

She found her beloved on the ground mortally wounded.

The soldier, consumed by jealousy, took out his dagger and pierced the woman’s chest with it, killing her in the act.

100% Beef Segovian burguer with cheese, crispy onions and Whisky DYC sauce


Hamburguesa segoviana restaurante pasapan
(Gluten free option available)

Veal lasagna with grated sheep cheese


Lasaña ternera restaurante pasapan

Fried OX tails glazed with brown sauce and mashed parsnips


rabo de toro restaurante pasapan

Grilled beef vacuum with smoked cheese and Argentinian chimichurri


Vacío de ternera a la parrilla con queso ahumado y chimichurri

Cod purée with romesco sauce on a toasted tramezzino


brandada de bacalao restaurante pasapan
(Gluten free option available)

Tasty pork rib served with korean barbecue sauce


costilla de cerdo restaurante pasapan


Both families caused trouble in the town.  –You killed my daughter!  You weren’t her true love!

In the middle of so much conflict a great storm broke out and a sensible voice was heard, putting an end to this dispute:

Miserable people! You are selfish that let yourselves be ruled by passion and jealousy!  She was the only innocent one!  You will disappear without a trace!  But she will have a tomb that will live on forever in memory!

At this very moment the mountains rose up, burying all the hate, rage, and jealousy on the earth, creating the Mujer Muerta, the silhouette of the woman who died for all of them.

Tierra de Pinares Yogurt


Yogur Tierra de Pinares

Crunchy tiramisu cake with pear compote


tarta tiramisu restaurante pasapan

Cheesecake in glass dressed with a homemade mixed berry dressing


cheesecake restaurante pasapan
(Gluten free option available)

Fresh homemade hot apple pie (15 min)


tarta de manzana restaurante pasapan

Chocolate brownie with greek yogurt


brownie de chocolate restaurante pasapan

Coconut foam with seasonal fruits and citrus


Espuma de coco
(Gluten free option available)

Roasted cheesecake with violet coulis



Burrata italiana con confitura de setas y tomate cherry confitadoquesadilla de pollo corral restaurante pasapanPapas arrugas con tres salsas
Raviolis de ricota, pera y espinacasbrownie de chocolate restaurante pasapan

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Plates made with all our experience. We strive to achieve delicious and pleasant sensations.

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